Sunday, December 2, 2018

The Sabbath was made for man

Sunday, December 2nd, 2018

Mark Chapter 2:27-28

27- And he said unto them, 
The sabbath was made for man, 
and not man for the Sabbath.

28- Therefore the Son of Man 
is Lord also of the Sabbath.

JESUS' profound answer to the Mormons of his day. I mean the Pharisees. This statement alone is worth the time it takes to read the Gospel of Mark, but there are verses that have been left out. The original seems like a logical fallacy. Why is the JESUS Lord of the sabbath? The corrections made by Joseph Smith solve this mystery.  

JST Mark Chapter 2:25-27

And he said unto them,
The Sabbath was made for man, 
and not man for the sabbath.

Wherefore the Sabbath was given unto man for a day of rest;
and also that man should glorify God, 
and not that man should not eat.

For the Son of Man made the Sabbath day, therefore the Son of Man 
is Lord also of the Sabbath.

Now the episode makes perfect sense. JESUS is the creator of the Sabbath, and thus He is the one who gets to decide what is and is not appropriate. 

And I am sure He has not expanded upon this to anyone since June 1844, so feel free to do whatever you want on the Sabbath as long as you avoid trying to make money (the god of this world). Find some time to glorify GOD and thank Him for the day off. If you are out protecting people on Sundays (fire, police, etc) then you are exempt. Heck, you are probably actually getting twice the blessings of everyone else.

Some people do not have the finances or luck to be able to avoid working on Sundays. GOD is certainly not judging them. If you are a rich man working on Sunday, that is probably another issue. The Sabbath is up to the individual's needs.

Point 1: JESUS runs this show, so stop worrying about what everyone else is doing or not doing and start repenting. JESUS gave us a day where we can take a break from the grind of survival and HE allows us to do with it whatever we want. 

Point 2: JESUS values people over units of time.

Finally, I am fairly certain even 2 hours (down from 3) of listening to regurgitated LDS conference talks is not what GOD has in mind for the Sabbath. Seems more like idolatry to me. I used to waste my time in a plush building that would have better suited as a homeless shelter. Now I use my Sundays to rest: rest from labor, rest from keeping up with Jones, rest from wearing costly apparel to a spacious building, rest from boredom, and rest from religion. 

Happy Sunday!

John Scott Peterson