Monday, October 26, 2020

JESUS the Messiah

Buddhists, Hindus, Catholics, Mormons, Jews, Muslims, Protestants, Atheists, and Agnostics have only one critical thing in common...

Each group needs JESUS or they will go to Hell and suffer for their own sins.

You do not need to read the Bible to find JESUS, but it helps. As CHRIST pointed out to the Jewish experts on the Hebrew Bible (Old Testament) there is no salvation in scripture study. The scriptures point to JESUS.

You do not need to read the Book of Mormon, but it helps immensely. There is no salvation in reading it, but it is filled with people being saved by relying on "one Jesus Christ, a son of God."

You do not need to accept that Joseph Smith was a prophet, but he did assist in bringing forth a lot of information that points to CHRIST. There is no saving power in Joseph Smith. He was a man almost infinitely more righteous than I am, but he cannot save you. Joseph knew better than most that JESUS is the center of salvation and everything else a mere appendage.

You do not need to join a church, and religion probably is a hindrance on the path to GOD. You can find CHRIST while religious, but it makes it harder. 

JESUS was not just a being who did some awe-inspiring miracles. He brought people back from the physical grave, to show He had power to bring people back from a spiritual death.

JESUS was not just the smartest person that ever lived with dozens of great stories that even a child could understand. He is way, the truth, and the life.

JESUS was not just the best teacher in history, He is the model of a saved person.

JESUS is not just the son of GOD, He is a GOD.

JESUS is the only way to salvation. 

To take a quote from The Shawshank Redemption and modify it for our purposes here:

"Get busy repenting and finding CHRIST, 

or get ready to spend some time with Satan."