In the third chapter of Genesis, after Adam and Eve have eaten the forbidden fruit, they hear GOD in the garden (although with all the trees it may be an orchard). They hid, and GOD asks them,
Adam, where art thou? (KJV 3:9)
This question is "where are you?" in all modern translations (NIV, RSV, NET, ESV, NRSV, and even the Jewish versions)
I know people argue that this is a rhetorical question, or it would seem that GOD does not know everything. The question has always bothered me because Christians have to explain why GOD appears to be so limited only three chapters into the Bible.
Fortunately for people who trust that Joseph Smith was guided by JESUS via the Holy Spirit to fix most of the problems with the KJV, we get a better question. The new question teaches us that this is not GOD playing hide and seek with our first parents.
Adam, where goest thou? (JST 3:15).
In modern English this becomes "Adam, where are you going?". But that question is only found in Joseph Smith's version. GOD does know everything capable of being known. HE is smarter than all of his creation put together. GOD knows what question HE asked Adam, and he let Joseph know so we would know.
In my opinion GOD is asking, "why are you avoiding me?" This is not a question of our first parents' location, it is a problem with their motivation.
Where is Adam going? Of course he is moving away from GOD, which is what 99 percent of humanity is currently doing. What was Adam's end goal? What is ours?
It is possible to live without GOD in this world. I know, I have tried it, and I was miserable. I, like our first parents, have tried to hide from GOD. Now I would love above all else to meet Him and His Father. I am not righteous by any stretch of the imagination, but I finally understand how critical it is to get information from the true GOD of this world, JESUS CHRIST.
Peter eloquently summarizes this when asked by CHRIST if the disciples were leaving JESUS's team after the Bread of Life sermon. Peter speaks for the 11 faithful apostles when he says "Lord, to whom shall we go, thou hast the words of Eternal Life, and we believe and are sure that thou art that Christ, the Son of the living God." (KJV 6:68). By the way, Joseph made no changes to the entire exchange between CHRIST and Peter.
Let us ask ourselves honestly where are we going, and if it is not toward GOD, then we need to repent and head back in the direction of CHRIST. After all that is what repentance means, turning to face GOD.
I stand with Peter in declaring that JESUS is the only way back to the MOST HIGH GOD.