One of the many great things about Joseph Smith was his involvement in the Lectures on Faith. These lectures were so important they actually were placed first in the Doctrine and Covenants before the revelations that were received. The were the "doctrine" of the book and the revelations were the "covenants."
The language of the lectures can be pretty dry, but the light and truth they contain is precious. It is worth studying them repeatedly to get a correct idea of GOD and CHRIST. The LDS church does not like the Lectures because they expose the unbelief present in the pseudo-Mormonism of today.
One example of a lost truth is Joseph's explanation of the Godhead. He wrote that it consists of 2 beings (personages) and not 3. Those 2 beings are God the Father and Jesus Christ. The Holy Ghost is the mind of GOD the Father and not a personage. That turns the Holy Ghost from the busiest being in the Universe to simply the pure light and knowledge that the Most High God possesses. Easier for light to travel around than a personage. Makes infinitely more sense to me.
This restored truth (surely Adam and Eve knew this) did not sit well with the polygamous Brighamite church in Salt Lake. The Lectures were taken out of the D&C in 1921 by men who had never seen Jesus and did not want to rock the boat of Christianity. This cowardly act has set back Mormonism for almost 100 years.
Time to reclaim the majestic Gospel restored via Joseph Smith one truth at a time.