Monday, October 7, 2019

I was wrong: I need to apologize

My last post described the unforgiving nature of the current LDS president. I wrote that the Nelson's middle initial of M stood for "Merciless". I was wrong, and I need to apologize to anyone who read my blog or heard about. 

His real middle name is Moron. Why do I believe this?

1. Nelson is one of many LDS leaders since the death of Joseph and Hyrum Smith to take the name of the LORD in vain by pretending to receive revelation from GOD.

2. He is the only one I know of who was the audacity to throw GOD under the bus in attempting to explain the LDS church's asinine exclusion policy for members who are gay. Nelson wants his followers to believe that he, a 95 year old white American, is more compassionate than GOD. He wants to sell you a narrative about he and his false apostle buddies begging GOD to change the policy. According to the most blasphemous story in history, GOD finally relented. He also has some ocean front property in Arizona he is trying to get rid of.

Here is what actually happened. 

1. 15 old guys ass-kissed their way up the Mormon leadership ladder their entire adult lives and were eventually rewarded with some power ("as they suppose").

2. These 15 fools who hate the majority of their brothers and sisters on the planet came up with a satanic policy in 2015 to exclude any fellow church members who had gay parents. Prospective members with LGBT parents had to wait ten years longer than a child with heterosexual parents for baptism. The child of gay parents also had to renounce their parents in order to gain entrance into the LDS church. Nelson and his 14 cronies labeled the parents "apostate" in an act of obvious compassion.

3. Since most people on this planet are not complete idiots (even Mormons) there was an instant public backlash. The 15 rubes in Salt Lake tried to figure a way out of their self-created PR nightmare. The first lesson that Mormon leadership has never learned is "do not dig yourself into a hole." The second lesson they have clearly not learned is "when you are in a hole stop digging." 

4. The top fool decided to blame GOD and his predecessor Thomas S ("Stupid" ?) Monson for the original decision to punish gays. He also decided to give himself credit for changing GOD's mind through his supposed tears and prayers for those he claims to love.

Now I understand that GOD sometimes tests real prophets to see if they are willing to sacrifice their own lives (Moses and Joseph Smith) for the lives of those they serve. This did not happen in this instance. Russel M Nelson would no more sacrifice $20 for his fellow man let alone his own life. There is only one being in the history of this planet with more arrogant ambition than Nelson. I am referring to Satan himself. His demanding the MOST HIGH GOD's glory for his idiotic plan to save all mankind is the only thing I can think of that surpasses Nelson's audacity in demeaning GOD.

GOD has not talked to anyone in Mormon leadership since 1844. HE is certainly not talking to Russell Moron Nelson. 

I remember a scripture about GOD being the same, yesterday, today, and forever.