Sunday, June 7, 2020

30 Pieces of Silver

We all know that Judas Iscariot betrayed JESUS for the sum of 30 silver Roman coins. It was a significant amount of money. I do not care what the exact figure would be then or today, the point is that Judas felt it was worth it. He realized his colossal mistake too late and hung himself.

In reading the accounts in Mark 14, Matthew 26, and Luke 22 I was struck with one nagging thought,

For what kinds of temporary reward do We betray the SAVIOR?


Sexual gratification? 

Career Advancement?

To fit in and avoid drawing attention to our cowardly selves?

To remain part of any religion?

To pursue or own vain interest on the Sabbath...sports, recreation, travel, shopping, work, etc?

To have more of the world's goods than our neighbors?

We need to ask ourselves if in some way, large or small, we are betraying CHRIST. Do we really do what he says, even at the most basic level of the 10 commandments? Do we honor our parents, never lie, keep the Sabbath, etc. Is there some other god in our lives before the true GOD of this planet?

If not, let us repent and avoid a fate similar to Judas.