Wednesday, July 28, 2021

Quitting is for Cowards

 My beloved mother used to say "The Lord hates a quitter." She would bring out this bit of wisdom whenever my sister and I would attempt to quit something. She was right in 1970 and if she were still alive she would be just as correct in 2021.

This post is in response to the all fools trying to make US gymnast Simon Biles look heroic for quitting during the Olympics. This same girl, cost her teammates a gold medal through her cowardice. She's a girl, because a true woman would not quit.

Her waiting to bail out until after botching her first vault attempt also cost a deserving fellow American a spot on the team. Bad choices rarely just effect the individual. 

This is the same girl who has the letters "GOAT" stitched into her leotard. It is suppose to stand for "Greatest of all time." I think it is actually appropriately symbolic in terms of the sheep versus goat issue raised by JESUS. She is A goat, she is not THE GOAT.

Let's not lie to our children, grandchildren, nephews and nieces about how courageous Biles was to quit. She is a quitter, and my Mother was not wrong. If my Mom were a quitter, she would not be my Mother. She tried for years to have children, and finally did the heroic thing and adopted my sister and I rather than quit on the idea of Motherhood.

Satan is the ultimate quitter. In an attempt to make us just as miserable he would like us to give up. Do not give up on yourself, do not give up on your relationships, do not give up on GOD. Only a goat would do that.

Shame on you Simone. And will you be giving your millions of dollars of endorsement money back?

Thanks Mom for being the GMOAT. The greatest Mom of all time.

Saturday, July 24, 2021

JESUS Died On His Mission

     Tragically, two LDS missionaries were killed this week in New Mexico. I am not writing this to minimize the devastation for their respective families. I am writing this to get a few people to a better understanding of reality.

I served in Bolivia and 2 missionaries were killed by a gas leak in their space heaters right before I got there. 2 missionaries were killed by terrorists right after I left.

I came within one great welfare sister (who was a registered nurse) from dying of amoebic dysentery. GOD probably let me live because I was such a jackass at the time, because I needed more time to become less of one. I am still alive 35 years later so that should give you an idea of my limited progress.

My point is that there are too many Mormons who believe that if you send your child on a mission GOD will watch over them and no harm can come to them. That would be true if you are like the people of Ammon and you have already shown GOD you would rather lay down your own life than kill an enemy. If you have not yet passed one of many Abrahamic tests on the way back to GOD, then please do not blame GOD if your son or daughter or cousin or parent or friend or neighbor dies serving a mission for the LDS church.

The key is that they are not serving GOD. They are serving a corporation. If the LDS were true then the apostles and seventies would be the ones out literally going door to door throughout the world. The whole world. This would include countries that do not allow missionaries of any kind. Real apostles would risk their lives to bring the gospel of Jesus Christ to the world. Fake ones quote each other every 6 months in a weekend of boring meetings. True apostles would risk time in an earthly prison to get their fellow beings out of going to spirit prison.

We need to stop thinking the gospel is meant to shield us from death and adversity. It is time to wake up to the fact that if GOD's best child died while serving Him, then anyone is fair game. This does not point to a capricious Father in Heaven. It points to the difficulty in becoming like Him. He already died to save the first planet in His infinite creations. JESUS died to save this one. 

Blame Mormon Inc. if your 18 year old son or 19 year old daughter dies while serving Mammon. Or you could blame yourself for being so naive.

Sunday, July 11, 2021

Robert Smith on Faith

      Robert Smith has written several books worth reading. He is the author of the controversial blog He is controversial because he claims to have visited with CHRIST many times, and he believes salvation is an individual matter, not a collective one. 

     His latest book Faith can be downloaded for free at his blog. It is filled with light. Here is one idea that resonated with me, a sinner who has yet to see JESUS.


    Every person has within them a faint but pervasive memory of 

    God-planted deep within them from their interactions with him 

    before birth. 

    In a way, every desire we have- no matter how base or carnal-

    is an attempt to either satisfy or silence that deep drive to 

    reconnect with the divine.

(page 114)

There are a lot of things to learn about faith in this book. The first 113 pages are just as good as the one I quoted. I am not through with the book yet (There are 244 pages), but I felt like any honest truth seeker would want to at least check it out. I do not think you would be wasting your time to read any of Rob's books, but this latest one is especially worthy of your attention.

It has the best definition of Faith that I have ever come across.